This website is a collection of my personal works ranging from Anime Music Video to software and technical guides. I would like to give a special thanks to GuntherAMVs, Jan. Edgar, & WarlikeSwans for editing the guides.
I got into making AMVs as a hobby in 2010 and I have enjoyed making videos and participating in contests. Some of my earlier videos are a little rough around the edges since I did not have anyone quality checking them and giving me feedback, but my hope is that I continue to improve and make AMVs for people to enjoy.
Apart from simply making videos, I also co-founded PixelBlended Studios with snapxynith. The goal of our studio is for each member to use their strengths to help each other improve as well as helping other members in the AMV community. You can find more information about PixelBlended Studios if you visit the official website.